So, we'll be running this event throughout Saturday and will stand down after dusk with an option to camp overnight should you wish to.
That means we'll be able to have a jolly old social without the fear of having to play the next day! (Although I would advise everyone to drink within the limits to allow them to safely drive home the following morning. Plus Close Action are using the site the next day, so we can't let people lie in too long! )
I'll bring along a radio to play some vintage sounds and it would be great to get a nice campfire going in the quarry.
So, who's planning to stay overnight and camp it up a bit with the legendary Trinkende und Blingen Gruppe?
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
Moi aussi...
Planning to stay for the social, it'd be a shame not to...
"I was fabulous, and it was a bloody good laugh."
I very much hope to stay over
RETIRED, thanks for some truly memorable times and great people
I'll be staying I expect - it's a bit of a trek from Scotland for a 1 day'er
ill be there
Too right I will!
A Proud Member Of 'Team Spleen!' who play mainly at Gunman Airsoft, Tuddenham, Suffolk.
I probably will be there but I am travelling down with John and Gary so it depends on John as he is driving.
Yes count me in as well
I thought the drinking was not optional but essential! I'll b there with Tony and the legendary Gary!
a social ^^ would be rude not too
count me in