ok my list of things i am currently selling , as trying to fund some new bits for games next year - not quite all ww2 but i could not be arsed to mod the list lol
will only bring a item if some 1 wants due to car space - will try to add photos of most of the ww2 stuff but if you need a photo of anything thats not shown just ask
US XL Tankers Jacket (worn once) made by A.T.F. cost £113 + shipping + import £100
5 x Nam style metal short m4/m16 mags high caps 4 TM (shows 6 on the photo as 1 may not feed ok , tried them all, and they all seem fine so I may have thrown it away , if so bonus mag) £40.00 all filled but not wound with blaster 0.25s
US Officers Hat (sof) £20.00 worn once size 58/59
MODERN - Magpul MS3 sling not used in ages and not that much £35.00 may not be into that much modern kit , but its still the best sling I ever used
MODERN - Russian Partisan M patrol cap never used brand new size 60 £20.00
MODERN - Russian Partisan M short boonie never used brand new sso size 60 £20.00
MODERN – Russian Surpat / spectre is SSO, Top and Bottoms, i think i worn once maybe twice , says its a 52 but fits me fine so suspect more 52-54 so 36-38 waist 42-44 chest ? £86 new + shipping+import etc patches not included £70.00
ww2 m6 scabbard I guess repro but no idea lol ? £10
2 Pea Dot bbs bags £10.00
USMC WW2 helmet covers brand new sealed made by A.T.F. £20.00 each have 2
Blaster 0.30 3 bottles of 3000 never opened as stopped using 0.30s a while back £20 for the 2
Mp40 Sling as shown £5.00
Gebirgsjager shoulder boards £5.00
US WW2 Summer service Chinos trousers size 36/38 waist worn once for about 2 hours , bit of mud on them £20.00 Bear has First Dibs
Sten Sling £5.00 free to TIN
Repro early German Grenade £8.00
2 Schu German Mines – had off here – never used – come with 3 chargers each £60 for the 2 (may have some more charges) 12g blank working Schu-mines Sold Cjindahouse
Nikon d3300 dummies book hardly as new £10.00
Dredd metal Badge subscriber present £10.00
Japanese WW2 repro cork hat very hard to find (brand new) £50 (cost me 65 from the land of oz)
German gaiters 2 pairs £7.00 a pair
German Cap size 57 worn once maybe £10.00 SOLD BootedFeet
German Y straps £15.00
P38 hard holster £15.00
US Dated 1944 water bottle £10.00 Bear
US Garand belt and medic pouch (does not fit ics mags in lol) £15 for the 2
Very faded German miltec top large panzer wrap I think very faded but still nice £10
German SS pea dot set by miltec Large up to 44 top and trousers around 34-36 waist £50.00 (£80 at sof) hardly worn and come with eagle on the sleeve
German ss pea dot top by miltec up to 44 size top £25.00 first dibs to rifleman6925
Bar Belt repro £15.00 not a bad one we had some so bad we threw away
German trousers I think are xxxl £15.00
US Badged 101st airborne M42 top up to a 44 chest £20.00
US airborne set M42 top and bottoms , needs repair back of trousers, 42 / 44 top , 36-38 trousers £40.00
Nam shirt needs name badge , may have a small hole some place I forget lol but great shirt £15 cost more than that for the patches lol size large – not the longest sleeves though
German GJ Narvik shield £5
German WW2 Jager patch £3.00
VFC bar with 4 vfc mags and 6 clone ones , sling and large padded bag to carry it in:) £500.00
Mp40 well used still works fine , stock does not lock back may be easy fix comes with sling and mag £50 STUTMYSTER
saved for images
saved for images
saved for images
German Cap size 57 worn once maybe £10.00
Yes please mate, will bring cash.
I've fired a bullet on every continent. Nearly hit someone, too.
Will try the mil.tec Pea Dot top mate, if it fits I will have it
okey dokey i can get in it and i am a 44" put you down for first dibs lol
okey dokey i can get in it and i am a 44"
put you down for first dibs lol
Cushty big boy
I'll take the sten sling please.
oh the shame you wont use the sten loool but its saved for you lol
True, but at least it won't feel naked any longer.
PM'd re Mines
If the mp 40 is still available I will have it Chris.