After finishing 633 Squadron from 1964 and getting a headache from the amount of inconsistencies ranging from Land Rovers posing as jeeps, SS soldiers wearing the 1932 black uniform and armoured cars that were made 20 years after the war. I'm at the firm belief that we as airsofters with some cooperation could probably make a far greater film than a professional film company.
Reasoning? Simple, we know the very basics like say... What's a proper uniform, How to hold a Sten and actual historical knowledge. Couple that with our combined ingenuity and the supplies we are able to obtain as airsofters such as weapons and explosives, it's hard not to think that we could achieve a far greater film than some that have been released so far.
Any thoughts on this random hypothetical is welcome, maybe some discussion on the pros and cons?
King Arms M1928 Thompson Submachine Gun
AGM Sten Mk.II
Sounds interesting, my concern is that I've never seen an airsoft film that looks any good. You don't get the sound of gunfire etc that you need - just looks like a bunch of blokes running round a wood!
We also tend to be a bit older and less fit than would be realistic.
It will be interesting to see what Jingles puts together after Aachen. His In Country videos at combat south were quite good.
There are some decent ones on Youtube if you have a trawl through 'em, they would need some severe sound editing with weapon sounds to impress those who've never been though!
I liked one that was done at Gunman for an Ardennes game by a chap just carrying his GoPro in his hand, the jerkiness of it actually made it seem for realistic in eyes although that's just my opinion...
I'm in so long as we can have bulldog tanks and a helicopter !
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
Can't we have a turretless Chaffee commanded by Telly Savalas?
Personally I think one of the best Airsoft films I've seen is BedsnHerts 'Hauptmann Horn' film.
You don't needs tons of explosions and shooty things.
"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.
Can't we have a turretless Chaffee commanded by Telly Savalas?
"Get your hands off my tank!"
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Can't we have a turretless Chaffee commanded by Telly Savalas?
Personally I think one of the best Airsoft films I've seen is BedsnHerts 'Hauptmann Horn' film.
You don't needs tons of explosions and shooty things.
You've got the right idea, The Hauptmann Horn news reel was an entertaining piece of film and yet it had no dialogue and very little in terms of shooting or explosions. When I set up this topic, it was on the hypothetical that we banded together and actually attempted to make a film like the film companies do, with script and the like. Naturally, it'd never happen, but if it did I believe that our community could do a more competent job.
King Arms M1928 Thompson Submachine Gun
AGM Sten Mk.II
I have to say I think this is a smashing idea and I agree that we could easily beat the accuracy of 'that' era of films... Gotta be better than Cockleshell Heroes (Stens, jeeps and Enfields used by the Jerries!?).
Rgds the age, could be a fictitious unit of disposable old blokes on a crazy suicide mission!
I know a few people in media and photography if anyone is half-serious about this....
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Can't we have a turretless Chaffee commanded by Telly Savalas?
Personally I think one of the best Airsoft films I've seen is BedsnHerts 'Hauptmann Horn' film.
You don't needs tons of explosions and shooty things.
MartinYou've got the right idea, The Hauptmann Horn news reel was an entertaining piece of film and yet it had no dialogue and very little in terms of shooting or explosions. When I set up this topic, it was on the hypothetical that we banded together and actually attempted to make a film like the film companies do, with script and the like. Naturally, it'd never happen, but if it did I believe that our community could do a more competent job.
Maybe...on authenticity only. The process of filmmaking is much more complicated than I think you think it is...
Yeah, this is why I excuse movies for technical inaccuracies (they aren't documentaries) and why airsofters films are mostly just nice mementos (Martin's Horn being a delightful rare exception). It all hangs on the story, writing and the acting, everything else is secondary (which doesn't go down well with reenactors!). Inaccurate kit in Cockleshell Heroes doesn't make it a bad film and it is arguable that pukka kit would have made it any better!
One of best WW2 airsoft video in my opinion. Filmed on real 8mm camera.
Now that's a nice bit of filming. A bit of thought to would the style of film as using airsofters be more suited to a silent movie type film?
In WW2 was quite common silent film. Just profi film makers can do music film in that time.
Nice Pacific AS video.
But this reenactig video has balls.