having read all the lone wolf versus battle orders, I am really upset that some one would refer to someone as Autistic, surly when you have to use terms involving the disabled your cause is lost, I myself will put this personaly to the person who said this as I find it completly uncalled for,this should be a forum to show how good WW2 airsoft is, not for slander and abuse ,
having read all the lone wolf versus battle orders, I am really upset that some one would refer to someone as Autistic, surly when you have to use terms involving the disabled your cause is lost, I myself will put this personaly to the person who said this as I find it completly uncalled for,this should be a forum to show how good WW2 airsoft is, not for slander and abuse ,
Not replying as to defend anyone or anything, I'd purly like to point out that - when read fully an in context - the quote that had the referance to autistism was being used purely as a discriptive simile. No one was actually being called autistic, wether as a term of abuse or a concern of someones neural development.
A Proud Member Of 'Team Spleen!' who play mainly at Gunman Airsoft, Tuddenham, Suffolk.
Yes, I think you will find your proposition is flawed. Gadge didn't "call some autistic", he said "No its more like talking to an autistic person unaware anyone elses views exist." Hardly the same thing at all - he was describing a trait (which he is qualified to identify BTW).
Since this appears to be an attempt to propagate antagonism and is in itself somewhat abusive I am locking the thread.