If you need something ASK!
If anyone has kit that they are prepared to lend on a 'bend it, mend it' policy, please post below!
I'll have two spare cap comforters, maybe about 3 skeleton sets of 37 patt webbing and a few small packs to lend if anyone needs anything.
Hi folks has any kind person got a German or jap rifle I could borrow, promises I will look after it, thanks
Could one borrow a k98 or g98 for the day?
Chocolate awaits as a reward...
Many thanks,
"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." George S Patton
Anyone got a spare cap comforter that we could lend to Glyn, I was going to lend him mine, but can’t find it
Anyone got a spare cap comforter that we could lend to Glyn, I was going to lend him mine, but can’t find it
Not a cap comforter but I have a green beret
I have a spare I could lend, I'll put it in my bag.