paypal sent
paypal sent
Thanks Marsha got it you are now in RED on the list
Free speech is expensive these days!
paypal done and dusted
Money sent for a US place (prefered)
paypal done and dusted
Now in RED to show paid
We have quite a lot still to go please don't forget guys as I don't like nagging by PM
Free speech is expensive these days!
Looks like I won't make it
Hot water system has gone for a sticky wicket. Either we have hot water or I get to the game. I know which I'd rather, but OH may not be so easy to convince
Sorry guys was looking forward too this, espec' as I usualy play French .
got another french resistance i'll get him to paypal you sometime this week names james armitage
got another french resistance i'll get him to paypal you sometime this week
names james armitage
Thanks mate will paste him into kroots slot
Free speech is expensive these days!
There are still spaces on all sides here up to 4 more on the US and maybe 4 on German.
This is a cheap event so if you have the cash and time give it a go
Free speech is expensive these days!
Payment sent as promised
Payment sent as promised
Thanks mate
Still 5 places on German now!
Free speech is expensive these days!
payment sent for james now to make another resistance armband
British SOE/Para space up for grabs guys don't miss out as Pete59 can not make it now.
Free speech is expensive these days!
payment sent for myself,to the paypal account as in 1st post.
payment sent for myself,to the paypal account as in 1st post.
Thanks mate all sorted!
Well guys not long to go now but if possible we would love a few more Germans for this so if you think you may be able to make it but not sure send me or Porta a PM and let us know. If transport is an issue there may be someone that can help.
Free speech is expensive these days!
Please book in Clive Skidmore (ripwind666) and Paul Holden as Germans.
Just in case you look on here Clive can you send me a PM
Also one last call to Germans out there we would love to have many more of you.
This is a great looking site and we are looking at using it again maybe next year due to it's potential to be adapted for other WW2 events (think Bridge ).
Free speech is expensive these days!
ill drop him a text.
ill drop him a text.
All sorted my slip up
Free speech is expensive these days!
Hoping for a mate to confirm he will be able to come be a german with me
when do you need to know by Oddball
armoury. Sten lanchesteralike thompson m1a1 thompson 1928 Garand (m14 S&S) 1911 Browning HP Tanaka M10 stg 44 mp40 x 2 tanaka k98 MG42 (AK IN PLASTIC BODY) MG34 (ak in plastic body as well) Luger broom handle latex bayonet latex E-tool
Hoping for a mate to confirm he will be able to come be a german with me
when do you need to know by Oddballcheers
If German then just bring him and pay on the day any more Germans is a bonus for us all
Free speech is expensive these days!