Please express your interest in this event & state whether you wish to be US or German.
The cost is £30
A booking date will be announced soon and will be on a first-paid, first-booked basis.
Places for this event are strictly limited 20 German, 20 US. There are no British forces in this game.
Note: Booking is by payment in advance. Game fees are non-refundable however the place is transferable. If you are unable to attend then you may make your own arrangements to swap with another player, you can use the forum for this purpose. We only ask that you transfer German for German, US for US. If you want a side swap must be approved by CiA organisers before transfer.
Preliminary list - expressed interest - no confirmed booking yet
Tug Wilson
Joe Wong - US 35th Infantry
Ryan Spratt US
Sounds good for me, 1 for the US 35th Infantry when booking becomes avalable please David
* pins badge on Webby for being the first to notice new thread *
Only because I'm waiting for something to happen at work
It was your sig that I saw 1st
Jawohl!! Let us kill that Britisher pig Churchill!
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
Put me down for this. 2008 is shaping up to be the year of the Fallschirmjagers! Who gets to pretend to be Micheal Caine and whos going to be Churchill?
Another for US please.
put me and craig down for US 35th Inf
Can you put us down for this one please.
We'll be US something or other.
This site is only up the road for us, so will make a nice change not to do so much travelling.
Not sure whether to go up Sat night for bit of socialising or whether to go up early on the Sun morning. Hmmm, we'll decide nearer the time.
Sounds a good one anyway.
would also love to come down for this, but our little one will only be about 4 weeks old so pehaps not but will defo be along for future weekends i,m sure,
team shoot and scoot, TL
To make things interesting I think you should let British Paras come in on the German side, like the the movie you have named the game after... better yet they could be be Poles
Click, you should come over for this one!
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
I'll be down for US, Doughboy's first post training day outing. Whoop.
Can any German ww2 kit be used or is it fallschirmjäger only?
Of course me and ILoveLamp are interested lamp would be german this time tho as hes buying a uniform soon if we can get the transport and the money we may come but it looks verry unlikely due to the extreem distance it is away from us .
I'll be down for US, Doughboy's first post training day outing. Whoop.
Catch the train . It's near Cambridge.
an any german uniform be used
Vorsprung durch Blitzkreig !
Speed, aggression and Hugo Boss
the innocent have nothing to fear......[img][/img]
Germans - preferred Lufty, Feldgraus or Denison/Airborne helmet is the offical speil though not set in stone . Time ot get the gerbirgsjager outfit out ?
Bah, ill try & make this one, US 35th inf, or I can go German, I have a nice gerbirgsjager parka so could just be German without any particular regiment, see how the sides play out,
Stick me on the list
Bah, ill try & make this one, US 35th inf, or I can go German, I have a nice gerbirgsjager parka so could just be German without any particular regiment, see how the sides play out,
Come as 35th mate, bout time you played US again, if you can get down to cheshire I can drive us down to it.