Upgrade on stg44
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Upgrade on stg44

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Put in today, maple leaf 60 degree, hop rubber, with omega hop nub ( looks a bit like a Napoleon Bonaparte hat) already had fitted a better hop unit. Also fitted Madbull 6.03 455 mm barrel. Little bit of work on the nub window.
Works well, hardly any hop on is doing 60 meters, using .28 bb's, at 50 metres, hitting Tesco plastic shopping bag placed over a traffic cone, 9 times out of 10, will try .30's tomorrow.
Put in same hop rubber and nub into M1 Garand, but not got a barrel (610mm) this is doing good too! Think it needs heavier bb's, but still hitting said plas bag every time at 40-45 meters, tends to wander off at 50-60 meter range, but still reaching the 60 meter, can hear bb's hitting metal fence. Will probably have to buy a 650 mm barrel and cut it for the fit.
Both running 340 + Fps. Both with just iron sights too!

Posted : 27/08/2017 4:53 pm
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340 with 0.20 ? if so cool :)

Posted : 27/08/2017 7:31 pm
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Checking on chrono with .20's, 347.4 Fps. To get distance, and a bit of accuracy, I'm using .28's. Will try .30's and 34's, to see if any better. Don't know what the Fps is when using heavier bb's will check. At a guess, would be about 320 Fps.

Posted : 27/08/2017 9:33 pm
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Used .30 bb's today, not much difference, the stg44 did marginally better, probably because of the tight bore, will both reach 70 meter in volley shots. 60 meter, will hit plastic bag, hanging on cone, most times 6-7 out of10. This is where the stg scored a little better than the M1 which seems to be happier with .28's. At 50 - 45 meter range both hitting said target nearly every time the odd miss.
When checked Fps, both guns on .28's about 312-322 fps, on .30's about 299-304 fps.
No wind at all this morning at 6:30 but some shots wandered to right when attempting 60 meter shots. Very happy with results, not going to miss much, in shooting at 40-45 meter range, using.28's.
Just ordered tightbore for Garand!

Posted : 28/08/2017 5:29 pm
Posts: 214
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I have a mad bull aluminum black python barrel in one of my guns and they are a good price and that gun has more range than any other gun I have seen.
The jury seems to out as to whether tight bores actually shoot more accurately ,and if so whether it is because the bore is more precision machined,straighter,rounder,more parallel,better surface finish, as this seems to be what you are paying for to actually get an upgrade performance.
Often many tight bores are not the diameter stated on the packaging and the equipment to prove this costs hundreds of pounds so most people cant get near it.
Also some BB ammo is actually the 5.95mm consistently as stated on the packaging,many are not the size they state ,and most manufactures make them 5.91 most commonly these days,some actually declare this many do not.
The crux of this fact that if you have the smaller diameter BB you have lost the advantage of having a bore closer in diameter to that of your BB.
The important parameter to look at is the clearance of the BB in the bore ,which Tokyo Marui set at 0.13 mm when they designed the Aeg we use now in the early 1990s
By having a tight bore your clearance will be 0.08mm if you have a 6.03 barrel and 5.95 BB,about the diameter of a human hair is the reduction in clearance from the TM spec ,which no body has truly proved scientifically this is better,more likely you may get a jam and you gun won't shoot.Also it is more difficult to actually consistently make a bore the same size within 0.03 mm without massive expense and this coupled with BB diameter variation your BB clearance can vary wildly.
The best upgrade in any gun is good ammo and if your barrel is loose at the muzzle end put some tape around it to make it tighter

Posted : 03/09/2017 9:10 am
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I think the tight bore in conjunction with the right hop, hop rubber( bucking) and nub make the difference. I'm having really good results with these Maple Leaf products, either " monster" or "macaron" rubbers with " delta" nub on their own. Adding the tight bore seems to get more range and keeping accuracy.
Using the 60 degree rubber seems fair to middling, not used anything harder yet. Most customers have had looks of glee when they test their guns out.
How long these will last is anyone's guess, perhaps not as long as the lesser thick hard old stock rubbers......but most definitely better! If I have to change mine a little bit more often, to get this better performance is worth the hassle.

Posted : 06/09/2017 7:36 pm
Posts: 214
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Thats cool,I believe the maple leaf rubbers have a double point of contact with the BB and this helps to centre the it in the barrel so the axis of spin is exactly horizontal every time.i do have one and its much better for sure.
Standard rubbers have a single point of contact and the BB can either go left or right when it touches the rubber due to its clearance in the bore.This can cause the axis of spin to not be horizontal with gravity,one side or the other so you will get your shot landing erraticaly left or right,its the same thing when you tip your gun at an angle,it gives you a curved shot,i do that for wind compensation.
Most of the barrels I use came in a big tube from ebay for a mega price,seem to be 6.04 brass barrels of good quality,i hone them out on a lathe to improve the finish,polish with diamond paste,and machine something called an extended crown at the muzzle end.so i got lucky and have not had to spend a mega wad on new tight bores
Still not convinced going from a 6.08 to 6.03 barrel is more accurate,more that the finish on the bore is better.In Japan they have airsoft accuracy competitions,usually diagonal across a tennis court so it can be indoor,over a 30m distance and they get 1-2 inch groupings.
However to achieve this they use a japanese wide bore barrel with a diameter of 6.20 mm.
One type of Barrel I have seen is called a miracle barrel,that has a vee section panel under the hop window ,and this centres the BB as it passes under the rubber.
Also there is R hop,this is hard to do ,seems to have a weird trajectory and is for heavy ammo only in my opinion,lighter stuff goes skywards if you breathe near the hop adjuster with 0.25s, I do not think it is worth the hassle,only one person i have seen on youtube has dared to call it hype.

Posted : 07/09/2017 9:13 pm
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The Maple Leaf monster rubber has the same shape as a normal hop rubber, but has the centre of " bump" channelled through so it centres the bb, the macaron rubber has a triangle piece concaved, this does much the same thing, centres the bb.
Not worked out yet, which is better. One may help range, the other may help accuracy, the nub I use is slightly concave at the bottom, seems to work well with both types of hop rubber.
I'm going to try to copy the " bump type" made from a normal hop rubber just to see if it makes any difference, using a hot needle to make the channel.......it can only not work! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Posted : 09/09/2017 6:39 pm
Posts: 214
Estimable Member

Yes i thought of cutting a groove in the centre of a normal hop rubber mound,you know the bit that sits in the barrel
window.This in theory would make it like a Firefly rubber,but then i thought why has nobody
Suggested doing this ,maybe its a duff idea,bit i do believe this design is a vast accuracy Upgrade in the 100-200ft range.
Did i mention the Falcon TW rubbers some of those are split mounds like the Firefly.
Some hop mods like flat hop and R-hop seem a bit hit and miss if you have never done it before
and also the large contact area between rubber and BB mean the your shot arcs up into
the air with a small touch of the adjuster,and if it backs off due to vibration the shot is suddenly
dropping too soon,its just too sensitive. .

Posted : 10/09/2017 9:01 pm